B.S Electrical Engineering

Course overview

A Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering is a professional degree program that prepares students for careers in a variety of industries. The degree provides students with the necessary technical and managerial skills to enter the workforce in the design application, installation, manufacturing, operation and maintenance of electrical systems. Students gain hands-on experience throughout the program and learn the foundational electronics, mathematics, physics, communications control systems and computing necessary to solve real-world problems in an ethical and socially-responsible manner. 

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Why should I choose this major?

Electrical engineers enjoy excellent job prospects because they are always needed—numerous current articles list electrical engineering as one of the most in-demand jobs for 2019 and the foreseeable future. Electrical engineers work in almost every industry, including power, music, electronics, medicine and entertainment, giving graduates a wide variety of career options. At the Webb School of Engineering, we are committed to incorporating the latest trends in technology and in engineering education into our curriculum At High Point, students have access to state of the art equipment from top manufacturers, both in electrical courses such as electronics, and in the Maker Space supporting our freshman and senior design courses.

Degree Requirements

Requirements for the B.S. in Electrical Engineering
(92 credits)


CSC 1710. Introduction to Programming (4)
CSC 1720. Advanced Programming with Data Structures (4)
CSC 2342. Discrete Structures (4)
ECE 1005. Introduction to Engineering Design (3)
ECE 1010. Fundamentals of CAD/CAM (1)
ECE 1015. Programming in Matlab (1)
ECE/PHL 2014. Engineering and Technology Ethics (4)*
ECE 2605. Digital Logic and Computer Systems (4)
ECE 2610. Circuits I (4)
ECE 3140. Instrumentation and Control Systems (4)
ECE 3105. Signals and Systems (4)
ECE 3610. Circuits II (4)
ECE 4140. Power Systems (4)
ECE 4210. Communication Systems (4)
ECE 4510. Advanced Control Systems (4) ECE 4630. Solid
State Devices (4)
ECE 4900. Engineering Senior Design Project I (4)
ECE 4910. Engineering Senior Design Project II (4)
ECO 2070. Economics for Engineers (4)**
MTH 1415. Mathematics for Engineers I (4)***
MTH 1425. Mathematics for Engineers II (4)
MTH 2050. Mathematical Methods for Engineering and
Physics I (4)
MTH 2150. Mathematical Methods for Engineering and
Physics II (4)
PHY 2010. Fundamentals of Physics I (4)****
PHY 2020. Fundamentals of Physics II (4)
STS 3005. Probability and Statistics or Engineers (4)


*Satisfies the Ethical Reasoning core requirement.
**Satisfies the Social Science core requirement.
***Satisfies the Quantitative Reasoning core requirement.
****Satisfies the Natural Science core requirement.

Unique Course Offerings
  • Advanced Control Systems
  • CAD/CAM Fundamentals
  • Circuits
  • Communications Systems
  • Digital Logic and Computer Systems
  • Discrete Structures
  • Economics for Engineers
  • Instrumentation and Control Systems
  • Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Physics
  • Operating Systems
  • Power Systems
  • Programming in MATLAB
  • Signals and Systems
  • Solid State Devices
Computer Recommendations

Students are not required to bring a laptop computer to campus. However, if you choose to acquire an computer for personal use in your studies, be sure that it meets the specifications to run the Engineering software SolidWorks. Below are the operating standards for the software:

Operating Systems



  • SSD drives recommended for optimal performance, but not required
Pre-Requisite Map

This map illustrates how the courses are related to each other, and which courses are required for your later Electrical Engineering courses.

Meet Elijah Trutt

Major: Electrical Engineering

For his internship, Elijah Trutt worked on a project for University of Alabama’s Engineering and Speech Pathology REU to develop a prototype device to take measurements of the vocal cords during speech production.

Course Structure

This Academic Plan demonstrates how a student can complete the major in 4 years.

Specific individual plans vary by student choices and options as developed with an advisor.






  1. This plan of study should be used in conjunction with your Undergraduate Bulletin.

Course Outcomes

Course objectives

Prepare graduates for a career as a professional electrical engineer.

Graduates will be able to:


  1. Successfully practice electrical engineering to serve state and regional industries, government agencies or national and international industries.
  2. Provide solutions to challenging problems in their profession by applying electrical engineering theory and principles.
  3. Communicate effectively, work collaboratively and exhibit high levels of professionalism and ethical responsibility.
  4. Achieve personal and professional success with awareness and commitment to their ethical and social responsibilities, both as individuals and in team environments.
Learning Outcomes

Skills students will possess at the time of graduation include:


  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Student Success

With ever-changing, emerging, and advancing technology, computer and electrical engineers are needed in today’s workplace to design and develop technology for the future, working in hardware and software design, networking, design automation, robotics, system integrations, and more. Students with a degree in computer engineering work professionally in the following areas: computer hardware and software design, embedded systems, computer networks, cyberphysical systems, robotics, system integration and electronic design automation.

Both Computer and Electrical Engineering graduates’ prospects include companies such as the following:

  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • AT&T
  • Facebook
  • HBO
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Oracle
  • Boieing
  • Google
  • IBM
  • Microsoft
  • Tesla

Career Opportunities

"HPU helped me build confidence in my professional abilities, which helped me succeed after I graduated."
Alex Palmer, '13
Advanced Development Senior Engineer, Apple

Potential occupations include:

  • Electrical and Instrument Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Controls Engineer
  • Power Systems Engineer
  • Circuits Engineer

Potential employers include:

  • Electrical and electronics industries
  • Defense industry
  • Engineering firms
  • Aerospace industry
  • Most areas of business, government and non-governmental organizations

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+1 1300 0909 123